海外のメイトさん・父兄さん紹介 ~ マイク・ジアニーノ “BABYMETAL Newswire”主宰、その1


海外のメイトさん・父兄さん紹介 ~ マイク・ジアニーノ“BABYMETAL Newswire”主宰、その1

Introducing a fan of BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in overseas
(Note: Original discussion between Maik and Ken in English follows after the Japanese translation. Scroll down, down, and down ↓ :-)

マイク・ジアニーノ氏/ Mr. Maik Gianino
主宰者・編集長/ Owner and Editor in Chief
ベビーメタル・ニュースワイヤ/ BABYMETAL Newswire

BABYMETAL Newswire is a "Center for BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in Latin America" as defined by Ken Tabise :-)

今回は、BABYMETAL Newswier を主宰し、僕の海外の友人のひとりでもある、マイク・ジアニーノ氏(Mr. Maik Gianino)を紹介してみようかと思う。

グループのメンバーはそのスレッドを通じて、La Cigale で行われていたギグがどんな状況なのかを、時々刻々把握できたわけである。


マイクはハードロックやヘヴィメタルが全般的に大好物、中でも Linkin Park は大のお気に入りで、かつては自らウェブページを主催していたほどである。

現在はベビメタ、さくら学院、またそれぞれのグループのメンバー個人のためのウェブページ (BABYMETAL Newswire) や関連のFBグループ(前同)を主宰している。

先日、ワールドツアー 2015 の直前には、ベビメタのオフィシャルフォトグラファーであるダナ・ヤヴィンの独占インタヴューに成功している。



Ken(以下、K): じゃ、マイク、まずは音楽的なバックグラウンドから簡単に教えてくれる?
Maik(以下、M): オーケー、君のブログに協力できるなんて嬉しいね。まず、僕はとにかく色々な音楽を聴いてきた。音楽であればどんなものでも好きだし、リスペクトしてる。ポップスからヘヴィメタルまで何でも聴くよ。僕にとって重要なのは、音楽的なコンテンツとかコンセプトなんだ。そこがしっかりしている音楽が好きなんだな。歌詞もすごく重要だと思うし。

K: Linkin Park やベビメタ、さくら学院以外ではどんなミュージシャンやバンドが好きなの?
M: ポップス系だと Lana del Rey なんかが好きだね。インディーズのロック系だと Johnossi あたりは僕の大のお気に入りのひとつだ。あとは M83 も好きだ。パンク系だと The Living End なんかも好きかな。
とはいえ、やっぱりオルタナ系Linkin Park はベビメタと並んで、僕にとっては No. 1 のバンドだ。他には Anberlin、Incubus もね。メタルバンドと、Metallica、Stone Sour あたり。
日本のロック/メタル系なら ONE OK ROCKGalneryusVersailles、Deluhi (ex-Leda's band)、最近の特にお気に入りは Leda のバンド、Far East Dizain (FED) だね。

K: どんなきっかけでベビメタを知ったの?
M: 僕が初めてベビメタのビデオを見たのは2014年の1月、曲は「イジメ・ダメ・ゼッタイ」だった。でも、ビデオを見ていたというよりは、YouTube から流れてくる音楽だけを聴いていたって言う方が正しい。

K: 具体的には、ベビメタのどんなところが好きなの?
M: さっきも言ったけど、僕にとってコンセプトはとても重要。ベビメタはそこが良い。コンセプトが無いアーティストを聴くのは僕にとって時間の無駄。まあ、音楽自体が良ければ別っていうケースもあるけど。

K: さくら学院はどう? ベビメタのメンバーは3人ともさくら学院のメンバーでもあったわけだし、自然な流れでさくらも好きになったのかなって気もするんだけど、最初見たときはどう思った?
M: ヘンなの~って思った(笑)。最初見たときは、何で人々が、さくら学院の女の子たちのファンになるんだろうって不思議に思ってた。そんな状況だったから、僕がすぐにさくら学院のファンになるってことはなかったね。理解できなかったっていうか。

K: ベビメタはメタルだけど、さくら学院は甘くてファンシーな曲を歌う、典型的な女子アイドルグループだよね。すぐに馴染めた?
M: ベビメタには確かにすぐに馴染めた。元カノや何人かの友達の拒否反応を気にしなくなって、自分の好みに正直になり、従順になったからさ。
だけど、中元すず香に対する憧れが強かったから、さくら学院については相変わらず色々と調べたりしてた。「My Graduation Toss」はすごくロック色の強い曲で、あの曲にはとても魅かれた。

K: 今、君は自分のウェブサイトやFBのグループを色々と主宰しているよね。何が君をしてそうさせたんだろう。何で自分のサイトやFBグループをやろうと思ったの?
M: イイ質問だね。理由はたくさんありすぎるくらいなんだけど、かいつまんで言うとね、去年の8月から10月にかけて、僕の Linkin Park のサイト、Wretches And Kings Net が更新されなくなって行ったんだ。一緒にやってたメンバーが皆仕事や勉強で忙しくなっちゃってさ。その一方で、僕は Linkin Park の南米での活動に関して、セミレギュラーなスタッフとして働いていたんだ。



(Original discussion in English between Maik and Ken is shown below)

Introducing a fan of BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in overseas

Maik Gianino (Mr.)
Owner and Editor in Chief

BABYMETAL Newswire is a "Center for BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in Latin America" as defined by Ken Tabise :-)

<Part 1>

Today, I would like to introduce one of my friends, Mr. Maik Gianino, who is a big fan of BM/SG, living in the opposite side of Japan on the globe, Montevideo, Uruguay. He is an owner and an editor in chief of BABYMETAL Newswire and its related sites and FB Groups as well.

I got to know Maik before the World Tour of BABYMETAL in 2014, which was somewhere in June last year.

When BABYMETAL kicked off their World Tour last year in Paris, there were some guys who volunteered to update the relevant threads for BM on FB Group so that group members could get the latest info what was going on at La Cigale.
Maik and I were the ones who were quite active in doing that.

He loves hard rock and heavy metal in general, and one of his favorite has been Linkin Park. He used to own his own page for LP.

He is now an owner of several websites and FB Groups for BM, SG, and their individual members like BABYMETAL Newswire.

The other day, he got a totally exclusive interview with Dana Yavin, an official photographer for BM.

BTW, it was very interesting to know that the process of BM fan's getting shifted to SG fan is universal, I mean, for the first time, people are kind of hesitant with much too fancy SG, but gradually getting used to it, and become fans at the end of the day :-)

Okay, now let me ask Maik some questions ...

Ken: Maik, can you just briefly tell us about your musical background ?
Maik: Hello Ken-Sama, first of all it's a pleasure to share my thoughts for your awesome blog! My musical background is very diverse. I like and respect all kinds of music. From Pop to Heavy Metal, i like the content and concept. Lyrics are very important to me.

Ken: Apart from LP, BM, and SG, what are your favorite musicians and bands ?
Maik: I like Pop artist like "Lana del Rey", Indie Rock artists like "Johnossi" (one of my favorite bands) "M83", Rock/Punk rock like "The Living End", but mostly rock alternative bands like "Linkin Park" (my number #1 band with BABYMETAL), "Anberlin", "Incubus" etc, metal bands "Metallica", "Stone Sour", and from Japan i like "Sakura Gakuin", "Ayami Muto" and "Perfume" as Pop/J-Pop artists, in terms of Rock and Metal, "One Ok Rock", "Galneryus", "Versailles", "Deluhi" (ex Leda's band), and now i really like the new FED Leda's band "Far East Dizain".

Ken: How did you get to know BABYMETAL for the first time ?
Maik: The first time i watched a BABYMETAL video was in January of 2014, "Ijime Dame Zettai" music video, but i was just you know listening music from Youtube not actually watching the video. Then in March of the same year with my ex-girlfriend we found "Gimme Chocolate!!" and felt something special there but my girlfriend's reaction was like "This is so bizarre", so that took down a little bit my positive reaction. But i consider my first real BABYMETAL finding on April of the same year when a close friend told me: "Maik you will love this band!", and he was right. I love BABYMETAL since then.

Ken: Especially what attracted you ?
Maik: As i said, i love concepts. Empty artists to me are just a waste of time besides if their music is good. BABYMETAL has a concept, something different, is like watching your favorite Anime or reading your favorite Manga but live, with real people. Their lyrics are great, the music is incredibly creative, the girls are beautiful, the Kami Band members are insanely talented and all of them including Kobametal and Mikiko-metal are the best example of how a creative artist should work.
Those are the reasons why i felt attracted.

Ken: Then, regarding Sakura Gakuin, I guess you automatically liked SG as all the members of BM were the ones of SG. What was the first impression of SG ?
Maik: My first impression about Sakura Gakuin was quite weird. At first i couldn't understand why people was kind of in love of the girls. So while i was outside the fandom as fan, was hard to understand. Also a good thing to note, in Western showing that kind of love for young girls sometimes it's considered a bit "strange" i think you know my point right? But then, in May joined a couple of groups and started to read about Sakura Gakuin. Then with time Maik understood the SG's concept, i really like the concept too, i really like them all and will have always my support even now without Suzuka, Yui and Moa as members.

Ken: BM is really metal, but SG is kind of a typical female group that sings sweet and fancy tunes. Did you accept them easily ?
Maik: BABYMETAL yes, accepted since i let myself flow and stopped listening the rejection from my ex-girlfriend and some friends. With Sakura Gakuin was different, the first songs i heard were from Minipati which are very childish and i was a bit confused but at that time my admiration for Suzuka Nakamoto was enough to keep searching about SG and i believe "My Graduation Toss" (one of the most rock songs of the groups) was the hook, now almost a year after that, i can share my love for Sakura Gakuin no matter what my friends say about me or them.

Ken: What "triggered" you or "motivated" you to start your websites and FB Groups ? In other words, why did you start your own sites/ groups ?
Maik: Good question. There are so many reasons why i did it but to do a summary. During August to October my Linkin Park website "Wretches And Kings Net" stopped published because our team was really busy with work and studies, besides that i keep my work with Linkin Park as semi-regular staff of their management for South America. The main reason that motivated me to start a project was the lack of information and the lack of serious work in Western communities. I see and i saw how Japanese fans sites works and they are really dedicated, the post lot of information, your blog is a great example and i felt in need to create a bridge between Western and Japan, a good bridge focused in information, news, reports, translations and exclusive content.

  • To be continued to Part 2